Final Post
Classes are now over and we are all gearing up for final exams, so this is the last post on Qumranica and henceforth it is on indefinite hiatus. I will leave the archive up for now and I may (or may not) restart the blog sometime in the future.
I want to thank the students of DI4712, DI4713, and DI5212 for sharing their research with us. I am also grateful to the readers of Qumranica. Thanks for your comments and feedback and I hope you enjoyed the course. This was an interesting experiment on which I will need to reflect. I imagine I will have some comments on it in my paper on blogging which is to be presented in a CARG session in November's SBL meetings in Philadelphia.
Meanwhile, matters pertaining to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Qumran will continue to be covered, along with other aspects of ancient Judaism, over on PaleoJudaica. I hope you will continue to visit there.
I want to thank the students of DI4712, DI4713, and DI5212 for sharing their research with us. I am also grateful to the readers of Qumranica. Thanks for your comments and feedback and I hope you enjoyed the course. This was an interesting experiment on which I will need to reflect. I imagine I will have some comments on it in my paper on blogging which is to be presented in a CARG session in November's SBL meetings in Philadelphia.
Meanwhile, matters pertaining to the Dead Sea Scrolls and Qumran will continue to be covered, along with other aspects of ancient Judaism, over on PaleoJudaica. I hope you will continue to visit there.